XR872 delivers a highly integrated high performance Wi-Fi wireless System-on-Chip (SoC) solution designed for
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (AIOT) applications, such as smart audio, face detection and
recognition, Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Smart Home, Cloud Connectivity and Smart Energy.
The XR872 application subsystem is powered by an ARM Cortex-M4F CPU that operates up to 384MHz. It supports
an integrated 416KB SRAM and 160KB ROM, a QSPI interface to SIP up to 16MB Flash, a OPI interface to SIP 4MB
PSRAM. Integrated I-cache enables Execute In Place (XIP) from flash and PSRAM, and integrated D-cache enables
read and write from PSRAM. It also includes many peripherals, including UART, TWI, SPI, DMIC, AUDIO CODEC,
PWM, CIR (T/R), CSI, SDIO and auxiliary ADC.
The Wi-Fi subsystem contains the 802.11b/g/n baseband, MAC and radio with integrated PA, LNA, Switch and
harmonic filter, which is design to meet both the low power, high integration and high performance network
application. A novel digital RF transmitter is design using XRADIOTECH’s MPDTM technology to deliver higher
output power and maintain higher efficiency, and also to keep the chip not sensitive to antenna mismatch but
always have good EVM at different VSWR.
The SoC is optimized for low-power operation by using several low-power state and fast wake-up times from
hardware to software. Multiple power domains and clocks can be shut down individually. The application
subsystem and Wi-Fi subsystem can be put into low-power states independently, supporting a variety of
application use cases. Also an optional external DC-DC regulator can provide voltage from 1.5V to 2.5V for whole
VDD_ANA power domain with on chip DC-DC control signal, without sacrificing standby power consumption even
using high quiescent current DC-DC.
